Research Article

Key Determinants of Student Satisfaction in Online Learning During COVID-19: Evidence From Vietnamese Students

Table 1

Variables in the research model.

ConstructsIndicatorObserved variablesSources

InstructorGV1Instructors often respond promptly to students’ questions.Lei & So [60]; Al-Mawee, Kwayu, and Gharaibeh [61]; Rajeh et al. [62]
GV2Instructors provide clear instructions on how to access online learning materials for your class.
GV3Instructors provide complete information about learning materials.
GV4Instructors often facilitate online discussions about lesson content.
GV5Instructors organize the examination and assessment according to the prescribed time.
GV6Instructors respond quickly to test results.

TechnologyCN1Using the Internet makes it easy to communicate with instructors and other students.Saravanan et al. [63]; Lei & So [60]; Al-Mawee, Kwayu, and Gharaibeh [61]; Rajeh et al. [62]
CN2You can easily download the files to your computer.
CN3Online discussion forums are very helpful.
CN4Technology makes it possible to learn from anywhere without going to class.

CommunicationGT1Online learning helps you feel more confident in communicating with other students and instructors.Lei & So [60]; Saravanan et al. [63]; Rajeh et al. [62]
GT2You enjoy participating in activities to exchange and contribute ideas in online learning sessions.
GT3Exchange information on online discussion forums to help you see how well you know compared to other students.
GT4Online learning gives you the opportunity to interact with other students through online chat rooms or forums.

CourseKH1Online courses provide you with valuable information.Saravanan et al. [63]
KH2The online course provides clear instructions for the learning process.
KH3The course’s easy-to-use online learning system helps facilitate student learning and interaction.
KH4An online platform to help you learn more about the course content.

OutcomeKQ1Online learning enhances your learning efficiency.Rajeh et al. [62]
KQ2You are satisfied with the learning results achieved during the online learning process.
KQ3You can apply what you learn in the online course.
KQ4You are satisfied with your performance in the online course.

Motivation for learningDL1You are capable of completing the exercises that the teacher gives you and this has motivated you to study.Saravanan et al. [63]
DL2Online learning helps you create a close relationship with your teacher/student, and this motivates you to study.
DL3An online course provides the necessary knowledge, has long-term benefits, and motivates you to study.
DL4You are interested in the online course content, and it motivates you to learn from the course.
DL5An online course enhances your competence and knowledge, and it motivates you to learn from the course.

Sudden changeTD1You worry about fairness in grading.Lei & So [60]
TD2You worry about the lack of devices to support online learning.
TD3You worry about the lack of materials to support online learning.
TD4You feel uncomfortable when you have to change the method of communication from face-to-face to online.

Online learning satisfactionHL1I will continue to choose online learning if the COVID-19 pandemic continues.Lei & So [60]; Rajeh et al. [62]
HL2I am more satisfied with online learning compared to face-to-face sessions.
HL3My satisfaction level encourages me to register in other available online.
HL4Overall, I am satisfied with my online teaching experiences.
HL5Overall, I am satisfied with the attitudes and performances of myself/my students/instructors who attended/taught my online classes.