Research Article

Comparative Analysis of Impact of Soil Mixture and Fertilization on Growth and Seedling Quality of Selected Agroforestry Tree Species

Table 4

Estimated and actual leaf area among treatments.

Species nameS/N.TreatmentsNLALA (cm2)ELA (cm2)LACFLAI

C. africana13A: 1M: 2S:50D7305.33b475.66e0.640.49
22A: 2M: 2S: 25D8398.00b829.33bc0.480.63
33A: 2M: 1S: 75D9545.66a749.66cd0.720.87
41A: 2M: 3S: 46U8392.66b586.33de0.670.60
53A: 2M: 1S: 23U9548.00a1072.66a0.510.87
62A: 2M: 2S: 23U8337.66b545.00e0.620.54
73A: 1M: 2S: 46U8530.66a1009.66ab0.530.87
83A: 2M: 1S7355.66b659.00cde0.540.62
LSD (0.05)130.76195.50

F. albida13A: 1M: 2S: 50D3847.33e81.330.580.08
22A: 2M: 2S: 25D81101.66bcd131.00cd0.770.16
33A: 2M: 1S: 75D7491.66cd134.33cd0.680.15
41A: 2M: 3S: 46U104132.33a226.00ab0.590.21
53A: 2M: 1S: 23U88108.66abc174.66bc0.620.17
62A: 2M: 2S: 23U98128.33ab235.00a0.540.20
73A: 1M: 2S: 46U97121.66ab191.33ab0.630.19
83A: 2M: 1S6278.00d113.66d0.680.12
LSD (0.05)28.5753.04

M. stenopetala13A: 1M: 2S: 50D29169.66cde227.00bc0.740.26
22A: 2M: 2S: 25D34243.00ab323.00a0.750.35
33A: 2M: 1S: 75D22125.00e179.66c0.690.18
41A: 2M: 3S: 46U27198.00abcd282.00ab0.700.29
53A: 2M: 1S: 23U31262.33a343.33a0.760.31
62A: 2M: 2S: 23U30144.66de181.66c0.790.21
73A: 1M: 2S: 46U36238.33abc307.00b0.770.36
83A: 2M: 1S32191.33bcde278.00b0.680.29
LSD (0.05)70.4782.10

M. ferruginea13A: 1M: 2S: 50D70475.33cd935.00a0.500.76
22A: 2M: 2S: 25D75517.66abc654.00c0.790.81
33A: 2M: 1S: 75D81555.33a776.00b0.710.88
41A: 2M: 3S: 46U80543.00ab953.33a0.570.87
53A: 2M: 1S: 23U72491.00bcd944.33a0.520.78
62A: 2M: 2S: 23U67451.66d680.66bc0.660.73
73A: 1M: 2S: 46U73492.00abcd888.33a0.550.79
83A: 2M: 1S65441.66d647.00c0.680.70
LSD (0.05)64.00107.04

NL = number of leaf, ALA = actual leaf area (cm2), ELA = estimated leaf area (cm2), CF = leaf area correction factor, LAI = leaf area index, LSD = least significant difference, CV = coefficient of variation.