Research Article

Influence of Sweeteners on the Phytochemical and Physicochemical Quality and Consumer Acceptability of Roselle Beverage

Figure 7

PCA biplot (PC1 is plotted against PC2) of Roselle beverage sweetened with different agents. The samples’ scores (unsweetened (red circle), sucrose (blue circle), caramel (green circle), honey (olive green circle), sucralose (pink circle)) are superimposed on the loadings (°Brix; pH; AOX: total antioxidant capacity; ASC: ascorbate; CV: cloud value; NEB: nonenzymatic browning; Fla: flavonoid content; TPC: total phenolic content; value; value; value; Tas: taste; Aft: aftertaste; Aro: Aroma; App: appearance; Acc: acceptability).