Research Article

Analyzing the Prevalence of and Factors Associated with Road Traffic Crashes (RTCs) among Motorcyclists in Bangladesh

Table 4

Potential interactions between the identified risk factors.


Age9.043 (0.06)24.607 (0.017)11.411 (0.022)8.622 (0.375)37.503 (0.000)13.105 (0.11)6.29 (0.901)9.334 (0.053)
UH9.043 (0.06)12.17 (0.017)27.761 (0.000)11.447 (0.003)53.778 (0.000)12.418 (0.000)2.893 (0.408)18.346 (0.000)
MB24.607 (0.017)12.17 (0.007)10.946 (0.012)2.734 (0.841)31.107 (0.000)17.362 (0.001)1.395 (0.998)17.186 (0.001)
MO11.411 (0.022)27.761 (0.000)10.946 (0.012)5.219 (0.074)23.944 (0.000)5.042 (0.025)0.578 (0.901)35.364 (0.000)
SS8.622 (0.375)11.447 (0.003)2.734 (0.841)5.219 (0.074)11.632 (0.071)3.356 (0.187)9.47 (0.149)1.145 (0.564)
WWH37.503 (0.000)53.778 (0.000)31.107 (0.000)23.944 (0.000)11.632 (0.071)25.037 (0.000)8.822 (0.454)17.978 (0.000)
ESL13.105 (0.011)12.418 (0.000)17.362 (0.001)5.042 (0.025)3.356 (0.187)25.037 (0.000)2.942 (0.401)21.712 (0.000)
WC6.29 (0.901)2.893 (0.408)1.395 (0.998)0.578 (0.901)9.47 (0.149)8.822 (0.454)2.942 (0.401)3.508 (0.32)
DDL9.334 (0.053)18.346 (0.000)17.186 (0.001)35.364 (0.000)1.145 (0.564)17.978 (0.000)21.712 (0.000)3.508 (0.32)

DDL: do you have a driver’s license?, WC: weather condition, ESL: exceeding the speed limit, WWH: weekly working hours, SS: smoking status, MO: motorcycle ownership, MB: brand of motorcycle, UH: use of helmet.